Two of Los Angeles’ hotels have artwork created by Peter Simpson Cook—The W Westwood Hotel’s rooms feature framed giclée fine art prints of his watercolor painting, Sunday Syndrome LA#2; and the Sofitel Los Angeles Hotel Spa feature a series six of canvas paintings called Poolside Collection with the purchase of his painting The Deep End from is private collection. These painting were created between 2004-2009 and the painting The Deep End was part of Peter’s one man show “Human Nature” at the Risk Press Gallery in West Hollywood, Oct. 2005.
Victorio Peak Painting on Set
A painting on canvas of Victorio Peak by Peter Simpson Cook was sold to Charles Cannon and Terry Delonas in 2021. The artist’s interest in creating what he called “a portrait of a mountain” was centered around the mysterious story of a treasure found there by Terry’s grandparents, Babe and “Doc” Noss in 1937. Terry’s family has been fighting for over 70 years now to recover what they say is rightfully theirs - a $28 billion treasure buried deep inside a mountain. Some believe the U.S. Government stole the 16,000 gold bars and priceless artifacts.
The overwhelming interest in the story of Victorio Peak has led to the filming of a TV mini-series documentary, Gold, Lies and Videotape: The Mystery of Victorio Peak, streaming on the Discovery Channel and MAX. Filmed on location in New Mexico and starring Terry Delonas himself, the painting of Victorio Peak was entered into a contract with Piece of Work Productions and Discovery Communications to be filmed on set in the project.
Gold, Lies and Videotape: The Mystery of Victorio Peak premiered in January 2022.
Dean Erwin Chemerinsky Portrait Unveiled
The Portrait of Dean Erwin Chemerinsky was unveiled at a tear filled event at the University of California Irvine School of Law on June 28th, 2017. The painting was hung in the law library with an emotional unveiling by Erwin's family. A reception followed with faculty and friends of the Law School and University. Chemerinsky is the founding dean of the law school and dean for the past eight years.
"I feel like the portrait captured the light of inspiration that seems to glow from Erwin when he listens and speaks," said the artist, Peter Simpson Cook.
The portrait will hang in the law library until the new law school is built sometime in the future and will be moved to a place of honor in that building.
GLASGOW PRESS A Happy Family of Artisans
Larry Hale at work creating my PSC business card at Glasgow Press
Last spring I traveled to Glasgow, Scotland to visit my cousin Larry Hale, his wife Lorna and extended family. Larry gave a tour of the family business - a very high quality letterpress printshop, Glasgow Press.
The detailed craftsman at Glasgow Press produced by business card and I was lucky enough to be present while they applied their skill. The whole process was fascinating and the result is remarkable. I took a majority of the photos above on that day.
Their speciality, letterpress, involves inking raised type and impressing it deeply onto soft paper using vintage printing presses. This fusion of traditional 15th century printing methods and 21st century technology gives unique results. Larry compressed three layers of paper stock and pressed it into one card - dark grey, red and white. The tactile experience of holding the card is really an announcement of quality and leaves a lasting impression on anyone who handles it. Holding one of their business cards is truly like getting a small gift.
Their Heidelberg and Vandercook presses allow them to produce high quality craftsmanship at reasonable costs, in runs from one piece to tens of thousands. They will accommodate any artist's vision with a laugh and a sweet smile.
Glasgow Press is indeed a happy family of artisans dedicated to creating beauty in print.
UCI School of Law Portrait
Right photo: Mr. Robinson thanks Peter Simpson Cook, Los Angeles Daily Journal, Jan. 14, 2011
The University of California Irvine School of Law opened their spring semester 2011 with a big thank you: they dedicated their new court room to Mark P. Robinson Jr., senior partner of Robinson, Calcagnie & Robinson in Newport Beach and part-time lecturer at the law school. The ceremony was small and intimate, with a few notable judges and district attorneys in attendance. The new courtroom recognized both his monetary investment of $1.6 million in scholarship support, and his commitment from the beginning to bringing a law school to the UCI campus.
At the ceremony a portrait of Mark P. Robinson Jr. was unveiled painted by artist, Peter Simpson Cook of Los Angeles. The painting of Mr. Robinson was commissioned by the UCI School of Law and is currently hanging in the new courtroom in a place of honor.